Bible-Based, Christ-Centered, Heaven Bound
When you visit, you will meet peoplewho, just like you, sincerely want to follow the teachings of the Bible abd please God with their lives. You will find that every sermon and class is based on the Bible (3:16-17). In fact, members and visitors are urged to bring Bibles and follow along. We seek to exalt Christ in our songs, prayers, sermons and lives (Colossians 1:18) An air of hope fills the church as we think of the beautiful promise of heaven for God's faithful children (Revelation 21).
Lord's Supper Observed Each Sunday
The Church of Christ has communion every week, just as they did in the New Testament times (Acts 20:7). It's a highlight of the week to commemorate Christ's death and celebrate His promised return.
Beautiful Singing
The whole congregation sings a capella (without mechanical instruments) just as Christians did in New Testament times (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16)Visitors may sing along or simply listen. Many first time visitors comment on how beautiful the singing is. Some say they find it easier to focus on the song's meaning since the words are more easily understood without instrumental accompaniment.
A Place For Everyone
Christ's church is made up of all kinds of people (I Corinthians12; Galatians 3:27-28) You will find that members of all races, educational backgrounds and economic levels feel comfortable in our services. We mean it when we say. "Everybody is welcome."
Emphasis on Family And Bible School
The Church of Christ places a great emphasis on Bible school. Children are importantand we understand that our God-given responsibilty is to assist parents in teaching them about their origin, purpose and destiny. They should come to know their Creator, Redeemer, Lord and Savior early in life. (Ecclesiates 12:1; Matthew 19:14). They have been born into a mixed-up world, so we try to ground them in simple truth, for the purpose of helping them know right from wrong. Please bring your Bible and come for that visit you have been thinking about. We will save you a seat.